Photo Credit by Katie Silus

Our Story

I love to cook, garden, practice yoga, mindfulness, Ayurveda, travel, read fiction, make music and laugh with my husband and boys. Yes, I am passionate about a lot of things. I love to give gifts- to curate special little somethings that bring someone joy. I look forward to bringing you these hand selected gifts so you can bring joy to someone too.

I value connection with human beings. Ask those closest to me, and you will hear how I end up hugging my customer service representative at Costco, or how I think I recognize someone I don’t. Awkward? Maybe. But it comes from my heart. The biggest value I hold is to create space to love and to be loved.

This is what I hope for Picnic Goods. To keep the connection wheel of love and gratitude spinning. To celebrate global and local connections. To share stories. To create new ones. Picnic Goods is more than hand selected products- I hope they represent an opportunity to connect. To give gifts, to celebrate, to frolic in the sun or snow. To add warmth to your being.

To picnic to me means more than imbibing in provisions in a park- but an opportunity to create long lasting memories. To make life a real picnic. To create moments of joy to connect with each other.

Let’s picnic together.